Hello welcome! I hope you're able to pour a cup of coffee or hot tea {Earl Grey is one of my favorites =)} ...or as my dear friend, Jill, would rather have, maybe a tall glass full of foaming chocolate milk! Whatever you decide, come sit down, and journey with me through my kitchen, the recipe box, and laugh {and sometimes cry!} as I share the adventures of a wife and mommy in her kitchen! ;)
When I first got everything started for this new blog I wrote the first post and we had not started a simple-carb/gluten-free diet... but now, I'm happy to tell you, that we ARE actually doing the Paleo stuff! =) Yay! Well... mostly! =) Another day for that blog post....
WOW! I haven't craved sugar/chocolate/sweets so bad for so long!!! =( I was going crazy those first four weeks! And admittedly made quite a few of gluten-free treats! (meaning, substituted gluten free flour in the classic chocolate chip cookies, my favorite muffins, etc.recipes so they mostly still had dairy and regular sugar/some organic sugar =) Yeah, it was bad. But it was fun experimenting with the gluten-free flours! And, I think I can say that those first-month cravings are subsiding! {But maybe that's due to being pregnant, and so far, I don't crave much sugar/sweets while pregnant!}
We are loving some of the paleo recipes I've discovered! They're really good and I feel so much better knowing that they aren't full of simple carbs!
I'm also learning to cook a lot of vegetables that I've either never had before (brussels sprouts, eggplant, leeks anyone?!), but actually {liking} most of them! =)
A friend of Seth's has graciously let me long-term borrow a book called "Everyday Paleo" by Sarah Fragoso {ya' can check it out here}, and it is from this book that most of the recipes I've been making are coming from. This book is very unique in that she not only tells her life story and why she and her family are now Paleo lifestylists but she also thoroughly explains what Paleo is and isn't. AND... she's included 100 plus recipes, a month long meal plan for a family of 5, and tips of what to have in the pantry, fridge, and freezer!
At first the whole book seemed a little overwhelming until I got to the last few pages where she has her monthly meal plan with weekly grocery lists and recipes for each meal! Whew... this looks so much more do-able! =)
I haven't followed it perfectly. Partly because there a few things on there that we just can't afford (lamb, wild Alaskan salmon , etc.) or that I'm too scared to buy the veggies for (beets, turnips, etc. yuck! lol), and also because I've been participating in a food co-op that is local to the Western states called Bountiful Baskets. So I have been incorporating these fruits and vegetables into the meals and recipes (never know for sure what's in the baskets 'til we pick up on Saturday! =) instead of buying just what Sarah recommends.
That being said, concerning some of the expensive meats and disliked vegetables, we have really liked the recipes and book. It's even on a wish list, because I'm afraid that our friend is going to want it back at any time! Lol =)
If you are nervous about giving up simple carbs, breads, pastas, etc. then fear not! There are a lot of great ideas and recipes out there that are really delicious (the whole family will love most of these!).... so take a sip of that coffee, relax... and find a new recipe for dinner or breakfast! =)
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