Saturday, June 29, 2013

{GF Ground Beef & Brown Rice ENCHILADAS}

 Corn tortillas filled with 2+ T. of homemade Enchilada sauce, between 1-2 T. each of ground beef (seasoned with salt, chili powder, and cumin) and cooked brown rice, sprinkle cheese on top.
 Too small and full to roll.... so I just laid them in the pan like tacos, made a layer on top of additional tortillas shells, topped with enchilada sauce and cheese!
 Corn tortillas can really suck up the sauce, so if you like it saucier, make sure you add more sauce into each shell/taco, or serve with a good helping of salsa and sour cream! =)
I love Mexican (so does Seth! =) and enchiladas are soooo easy to make, especially to make up before and freeze!  Just pull out the day of, thaw, and cook like you normally would (lol, which is @350* for 25-40 minutes depending upon how cold the insides still are! =) 

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

{green, GREEN}

This is my first GREEN smoothie!!!  =)  I know, I know!  It does not look green... but truly it has greens in it!  Amazing what berries do for color huh?!  =D

Soooo .... what's in it?  And why am I drinking this stuff?

Well, and this is something a little personal... so be brave Carrie and post anyways and sorry to any sensitive queasy tummies! =)  ...I bled really badly immediately after giving birth to my first two kids. so much so that Seth and I seriously considered if we needed to do a hospital birth (my friends know how much I am in favor of homebirth! =) so that if "serious medical help" was necessary it would be right there!  Well, my midwife and i found several things that are to help with excessive bleeding.... a host actually, at least that's how it feels to me! =P  Anyways... one, I have to take a good iron supplement the entire pregnancy.  Two, have to also take cholorphyl or eat/drink lots of concentrated dark leafy greens during entire pregnancy.  Three,  drink red raspberry leaf tea for entire 40 weeks.  Plus several other things too!  The chlorophyll I have is mint-flavored, the nasty kind, and I despise taking it.  However, I'm trying to be brave and take it every day!  Well, the midwives suggested a "green smoothie".  Yuck!
Actually... today's was pretty good!  Hopefully I did okay and put in enough spinach =)

coconut milk
0% greek yogurt
frozen berries
a little banana
and blended it 'til smooth!  (btw I blended the spinach with the milk adn yogurt first and then added everything else)

I'll probably make another one tomorrow so I'll see if I can actually measure everything for a "proper" recipe! =)

Well, I suppose there aren't many out there that have to take a bunch of chlorophyll every day but if you do, try this smoothie, and if you're just wanting a healthy afternoon snack or small "lunch" then TRY IT! =)  You may be as surprised as I was at how good it actually was! =)
Oh, I'm considering doing other "options" with it including protein powder, raw cocoa powder/nibs, etc.  What do you think?!  =)

Sunday, June 2, 2013

{New Pancake Topping - Yum, Yum!}

Sooo... I promised posting about the yummy and quite healthy way I've been topping our pancakes and... so here we are! =)

I've always loved just regular syrup with my pancakes, and probably way too much of it! =)  (sad smile too) Well, I've been wanting to try and use less and at the very least less sugar, and I've found a local syrup (maple flavored) that has no high fructose syrup and although it's a better option I know it's not a very good healthy option.
Well, a few days ago when I made the GF cottage cheese pancakes I decided to use just a tiny teeny (seriously!!!) bit of butter to melt on the pancakes, a drizzle of the above syrup on one pancake and topped the second with good n healthy honey Greek yogurt and berries (yeah, did you know there is unhealthy Greek yogurt?!  Didn't know myself to 'til this past week either! =0).  Guess what?!  My husband thought I had put whipped cream on them!  Yes, they are that yummy!!!  =)  By the way, when I made them a few days later (yesterday in fact ;) I opted to skip the syrup altogether on mine and I really didn't even notice!  WOW! =)

If you're thinking, however, that I'm going to give up maple flavored syrup altogether for Greek yogurt and berries... well, no.  (lol)  I am not sure I can, 'cause that's one special thing about pancakes: that delicious syrup! =)  BUT, I do think we'll save it for very special occasions! ;)

Anyways, hope you decide to try your pancakes or waffles this way soon and enjoy it as much as we all did!!!
P.S.  I think this topping may be Trim Healthy Mama-plan approved.  Not sure how much yogurt nor if honey-flavored is allowed, although I know for sure that plain with a little bit of stevia sweetener is.  Just wanted to note that for those interested! ;)