Thursday, February 28, 2013

Welcome to my food blog!  =) 
Actually I wanted to chronicle our journey with foods, eating, lifestyles, etc.  and thus this new blog was begun!  =) 
A little about my family:   I love cooking and baking; have since about the time my memory starts!  ;)  I am the oldest of a larger family, (6 kids)... so I've cooked and cleaned house a lot! lol  =)  
My husband and I were married 4 years ago in January, we have two little people, our almost 3 year old daughter Miss Monkey and 6 month old son, Mister J Man!  My husband is a full time college student in his last year of pre-med, and I’m a stay at home wife.  We know full well what it is like to live on the meager finances and budget of a college student.  My husband also works hard supplementing his school grants, scholarships, and loans with part time work as an EMT, firefighter, a TA in several labs/classes on campus, and with good full time summer jobs.  Why do explain all this to you?!  Well, because even with all that it is often very, very difficult to make ends meet every semester and that is trying to live quite frugally.  I want to share with you the little tips and secrets I am slowly learning, in the kitchen and around the house! =)  
Also so that you better understand why and perhaps even sympathize when I explain that to stretch veggies and meats I often made casseroles, pasta, rice dishes etc.  these past four years of being college student family.  Hey, grains and breads really help stretch the budget and the meal plans!  =)  However, we found that neither of us keep off weight with all the grains and gluten-full products we’ve been eating the past 3 plus years!  ={  We also see the natural benefits of not eating as much grains, sugars, gluten, and more vegetables, fruits, and meat.  Thus a change in our diet (meaning eating lifestyle).  It’s really the beginning of the journey as we are just now getting lists and charts, recipes and ideas, budget plan etc.  started.  We’d like to try  eating Paleo for a while, although not completely eliminating all grains or dairy.  Paleo essentially is going back' to ancestors eating lifestyles where only meat, vegetables, fruits, nuts, and' a very few other misc foods are eaten.  No dairy.  No legumes.  No grains.  No sugars.  No simple carbs.  At all.  Our plan however, is to keep good, healthy grains such as brown rice, quinoa, gluten free pasta once in a while, nut and coconut flours, corn, and some milk in our diet.  Also, even though now we don’t have much dairy, we are going to cut back but not eliminate cheese and milk.  Instead of milk in tea or coffee, coconut milk or half-and-half.  And cheese only a few times a week and in half the quantity!  =)  So… as you can see, it WILL be a change for us, since we’re cutting some intakes of things in half or going gluten free (as much as possible), using healthier sugar choices, and not having the normal breads, tortillas, pastas, rice etc.  =)  ALSO… hopefully I’ll be learning how to use and cook a bigger variety of veggies and fruits!  Perhaps this will end up being a cultural cuisine journey too! =) 

I do love to cook and bake.  It’s been a deep, vibrant love for just about as long as I can remember!  And honestly, if we took out ALL grains and sugars and cheeses, I think I may go crazy!  =D  The kitchen has always felt like my safe domain, I know how to run it, cook up yummy, fairly nutritious dinners, and bake up a storm of deliciousness…. And suddenly it’s all going topsy-turvy and the panic I feel is overwhelming!  “What?!  How can we have Mexican with no cheese?  And lasagna with no noodles or cheese?!  You’ve got to be kidding me!  No rice with oriental food?!  Absolutely not!  Waaaaait!  You’re taking all baking from me???  No sugar?! No chocolate?!   What am I going to do???!”  =) 
So I’ve decided that if I chronicle our findings, the new recipes, post pictures, and let ya’ in the secrets we learn along the way…. Then… just maybe I’ll be able to cope with the changes, and  be more excited about this new hopefully-lifestyle!  And soooo begins a new blog just for food, budgets, kitchen tips, homemaking, and all that fun stuff!  =) 

From the Kitchen of an Apron Lovin’ Mommy

1 comment:

  1. Yippy!!! fun to have your site up and running!! and oh my but those bell peppers look wonderful! We will be making them in a month or so after we do our 30day juice fast starting March 17th. Pray for us!! LOL!! no ....really!
