Tuesday, March 25, 2014

{Chai, French Vanilla}

I told you all in this tea happy post how I got three sample of Twinings Tea to try back in late October and shared how I just adored the Honeybush, Mandarin & Orange tea!

My second cup was the Chai, French Vanilla.

It was chai flavored.  It was vanilla flavored.  It was also overwhelmingly sweet and as if someone had dumped waaaay too much real vanilla into the batch.  Honestly, I thought I'd love it and here I hated it.  And it makes me soooo sad to admit that. =(
The description says it is a "fine black tea perfectly balanced with the flavours of vanilla and savoury spices of cinnamon, cardamom, cloves and ginger".  It did taste like "chai" however I'm afraid that it just did not stand up to Stash's Chai Spice tea (which is the only hot chai {tea} I've liked).  The chai flavors seemed more bitter and not the powerful blast of perfectly balanced flavors of Chai Spice or even Oregon Chai Tea Latte concentrate (my very favorite!).  I was sadly disappointed about that.
Even more so though, I was heartbroken over this vanilla catastrophe.  I love vanilla.  I put it in every baked treat and breakfast waffle, pancake, and every muffin.  I even add extra!  But this tea soooo vanilla-ey, sweet and bitter at the same time, I couldn't even drink the whole cup.  I didn't like it plain, nor with cream/milk.  It was really just plain awful. =(

So.  Now that I've said horrid things about it and you'll now never try it or Twinings Tea....  Can I just stand by my first Twinings tea, the Honeybush Citrus one and say that they've at least made ONE tea that I love!  And for that, I'm not giving up on Twinings yet! =)

Thursday, March 20, 2014

{Low Carb Personal Pizzas}

Hello!  I'm back!  At least for a little while =)  My laptop has been a ghost since October and even now is trying to lose another "life".... but we'll see, maybe this o'le broken thing has nine lives and I'll be able to start blogging again! =)  Of course... perhaps the out-of-commission laptop was just a good excuse to not admit that having three little kids is just about as much as I can handle these days! =P  I have no idea how mothers with little kids do a career job, blogging, home business, being a wife, etc. etc. and seem to rock at it!  I know now, I could not.  So kudos to you who can! =)

Now, on to these scrumptious albeit different low carb pizzas I've been making! =)
They are THM {Trim Healthy Mama} although really honestly, I haven't been able to figure out exactly which category they are in.  I believe they are in the "S" family, but may be be at least an "S" helper.  So for you readers who are doing strict THM, please don't take my word for it, research it out yourself; I may be wrong about the category.  And I'm sorry that I don't really know.... It's a long, THM journey for me, so far, and I just don't understand or remember every thing, yet!

But for those of you just trying to eat better, healthier, and more low-carb, here is a great little lunch! ;)  And, may I just add, it is especially a great lunch (THM) for those who can't use their oven to bake pizzas, or just bake anything at all!  Can't wait 'til we have a working oven again! =)  Of course... I might not remember any oven recipes by then, lol! 

So sorry the picture quality is bad... my phone camera is not the greatest!

Take a low-carb tortilla, spread a bit of cream cheese on top, then place in a warm skillet.  Drizzle on some tomato sauce/ crushed tomatoes/ fresh tomatoes (pretty much whatever you have in your pantry! ;).  Put on meat and veggies.  Sprinkle on some cheese of your choice.  Cover the skillet with a lid and let it "cook" for several minutes until the cheese is melted.  Don't forget to watch how crispy the bottom is getting, and adjust your burner temp accordingly!  Slide on to a plate and eat whole, or 'slice', share with your hungry son or eat all by yourself! =)  Most of all... enjoy! 

Here are the ingredients I used:
low carb tortilla (Costco is selling a whole wheat option with 6 net carbs, which are pretty good!)
cream cheese
diced tomatoes with juice
diced peppers
mozzarella cheese