............. I had some peanut butter and strawberry jam sandwich!!!!! EEEEK! What is wrong with me???
Okay, are you wondering why on earth that would be such a bad thing? Or why it's a guilty confession? After all, many people eat them. All the time. Right??? Well you need to know something about me: I don't really care for peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. AAAAND I really, firmly, definitively believe they are not good and healthy to eat. Period. So, I just don't. (yeah, and my kids hardly ever either! I'm such a bad mama depriving them aren't I?!? Well, they can have a meat and cheese sandwich with some veggies and dip for lunch, right?!!! lol =)
Knowing all that now, how come I had one today??? Goodness, sure isn't Trim Healthy Mama, is it?! =)
Well, ya see, this pregnancy I'm required by my sweet and thoughtful (said so sarcastically ;) care providers to take liquid iron and some form of chlorophyll every.single.day. Yuck. I'm very, very low on the liquid iron at the moment and need to reorder some pronto (!), and since I know in my brain and can feel in my body how much I really do need to keep up on it, I knew I needed to make sure I took the liquid-nasty-tasting chlorophyll today; yeah and extra. (sigh... double yuck!)
I was lamenting to myself how there was no chocolate in the house (or pretty much, nothing else either!) that I could "reward" myself with after swallowing that "shot" and then some of the nasty minty green plant stuff when I realized a peanut butter and strawberry jam sandwich would be lovely! While one half of my brain is screaming "No!!! What are you thinking???", the other half is sweet talking me, "Ah, wouldn't even just a little quarter be yummy??? Sure would take the edge off!" Lol, and IT WAS and DID! Yummy enough that I actually made another quarter and had just one half of a sandwich! (well, baby was awfully hungry too you know! =)
Now, I have to add here, that there was a secret to this P&J "craving" that made it such............. I made it with homemade, freezer jam made by my mom. Have you ever had her's? If you have, you know exactly what I'm talking about. It is the most amazing, scrumptiously delicious, party-of-freshly-picked-strawberries-in-your-mouth kind of jam!!! And no one, and I literally mean NO ONE, has ever made it as good as she does! If you doubt me... just head on over to her house and ask for a peanut butter and strawberry jam sandwich ... even if you're like me and dislike even the thought of eating such a carb-filled, sugary, so-not-good-for-us sandwich, you'll be so glad you did! =)