Monday, February 9, 2015

{delicious, to die for, melt-in-your-mouth, taste of spring in a Lemon Yogurt Muffin}

I have no idea why I tend to only sit down and post about desserts here.... Okay, so since I gave up on Paleo/low carb because it was extremely difficult to eat enough and proper food with such a small budget for food, and then we added another boy (get my meaning? ;) ), and I haven't taken up THM/Paleo since... I guess I'm just posting about the lovely sugary, AMAZING treats I have made..... Because one day maybe I will be a full time, nazi THMer and never post another tempting foodie blog post again!!! :P 


So.... I picked up a big bag of lemons a week or so ago. Mercy and I were going to make lemonade and then didn't get to it. I've been worried they'll start going bad if I don't do something with them! Last night I posted on facebook a plea for favorite lemon recipes! So many fabulous ideas! I cannot wait to try them. (And maybe I will post all about the suggestions in a second post) 

One friend posted the following recipe, and wrote 'They're on the healthier side, but taste like donuts.' 

Yes. Yes they do. And they're so light and and scrumptious and heavy with flavor and really taste like a donut in a muffin! 
Happy sigh. 

It's a beautiful spring day too... Absolutely gorgeous out and so, these lemony muffins are perfect. I think I could just sit back, gaze out into the big blue sky, and be blissful all the rest of the day! :) 
Boy, and are we glad I made a double batch ;)

See ..... That's all that was left WHEN I TOOK THE PICTURE... They were YUMMY! 

In the recipe, make sure you zest your lemon before juicing :) And frozen lemon peels work great for seating, so if you have left over lemon peels not used for the zest, freeze and use later :) 

He was Sooo excited! :) 

Laughing at himself :D 
And a Lilla Rose hair selfie ;) It may not be the prettiest updo , but it does the job and is so comfortable, and since my Flexi is so pretty I can pretend my hair is too! ;) 

Now... Off to get kidlet laid down for a nap.... Make phone calls.... Clean the kitchen.... And maybe have some coffee and that last lemon muffin (of first batch)! :)