This is my first GREEN smoothie!!! =) I know, I know! It does not look green... but truly it has greens in it! Amazing what berries do for color huh?! =D
Soooo .... what's in it? And why am I drinking this stuff?
Well, and this is something a little personal... so be brave Carrie and post anyways and sorry to any sensitive queasy tummies! =) ...I bled really badly immediately after giving birth to my first two kids. so much so that Seth and I seriously considered if we needed to do a hospital birth (my friends know how much I am in favor of homebirth! =) so that if "serious medical help" was necessary it would be right there! Well, my midwife and i found several things that are to help with excessive bleeding.... a host actually, at least that's how it feels to me! =P Anyways... one, I have to take a good iron supplement the entire pregnancy. Two, have to also take cholorphyl or eat/drink lots of concentrated dark leafy greens during entire pregnancy. Three, drink red raspberry leaf tea for entire 40 weeks. Plus several other things too! The chlorophyll I have is mint-flavored, the nasty kind, and I despise taking it. However, I'm trying to be brave and take it every day! Well, the midwives suggested a "green smoothie". Yuck!
Actually... today's was pretty good! Hopefully I did okay and put in enough spinach =)
coconut milk
0% greek yogurt
frozen berries
a little banana
and blended it 'til smooth! (btw I blended the spinach with the milk adn yogurt first and then added everything else)
I'll probably make another one tomorrow so I'll see if I can actually measure everything for a "proper" recipe! =)
Well, I suppose there aren't many out there that have to take a bunch of chlorophyll every day but if you do, try this smoothie, and if you're just wanting a healthy afternoon snack or small "lunch" then TRY IT! =) You may be as surprised as I was at how good it actually was! =)
Oh, I'm considering doing other "options" with it including protein powder, raw cocoa powder/nibs, etc. What do you think?! =)
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